What Is So Special About Turkish Cotton?
September 25, 2020
What is Sateen?
September 25, 2020

Fabrics derived from long-staple cotton result in a more long-lasting and luxurious product. Our long-staple cotton consists of fine quality as it is spun into even finer threads, which is then woven into smoother, stronger, and more radiant textiles. Cotton has the ability to hold heat and allow cool air to pass, therefore is a preferred option for all seasons. 

  • Fiber Quality: The highest quality cotton is long staple cotton. Staple refers to the length of the cotton fiber; the longer the fiber the better because it creates stronger and finer yarns.
  • Yarn Size: The fineness of each yarn is what the term yarn size refers to; the higher the yarn size, the finer the yarn. Finer yarns allow for lighter, more supple fabric and more yarn can be woven into a square inch.
  • Finishing: The finishing process is vital in avoiding piling and increasing strength, luster, touch and appearance